The many faces of the anti-COVID immune response

Hussin A. Rothana, Siddappa N. Byrareddy

The many faces of the anti-COVID immune response

Santosha A. Vardhana and Jedd D. Wolchok

J Exp Med. 2020;217(6):e20200678. doi:10.1084/jem.20200678


The 2019 novel coronavirus strain is a source of profound morbidity and mortality worldwide. Compared to recent viral outbreaks, COVID-19 infection has a relatively high mortality rate for which the reasons are not entirely clear.
Additionally, treatment options for COVID-19 infection are currently limited.
In this perspective, we explore the contributions of innate and adaptive immune systems to both viral control and toxicity during COVID-19 infections and offer suggestions for understanding and therapeutically modulating anti-COVID immunity.