Third international consensus document for the definition of sepsis and septic shock

Third international consensus document for the definition of sepsis and septic shock

Recently, it has been published "Third international consensus document for the definition of sepsis and septic shock". The authors define sepsis as life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by an exaggerated host response to infection.

With the new definitions, the identification of the patient with sepsis is improved compared to those based on the SIRS, while maintaining simplicity. However, we believe that given the deep-rootedness of the SIRS concept, we will have to wait a while to see the real degree of implementation of this new approach to the patient with sepsis and its usefulness in daily clinical care.

The consensus document, published in JAMA, can be consulted from the following link.

Also, this is worth looking at. video where the updating of these new definitions is explained in a simple way.