Scientific Meeting Tag

The management of the surgical patient implies a degree of complication that does not occur in other types of patients. The diagnosis of the infection and the decision to start or stop antibiotic treatment is crucial in reducing the probability of developing resistance and reducing the adverse effects and complications of their use.

Dear friends,

For yet another year we have the opportunity to raise awareness among society and healthcare professionals of the importance of early detection, well-targeted intervention and the recovery of patients suffering from sepsis.

On September 9, 2020, the World Health Organization and Global Alliance Against Sepsis will host the World Congress on Sepsis Featured: Sepsis, Pandemics and Antimicrobial Resistance: Global Health Threats of the XNUMXst Century (World Sepsis Congress Spotlight: Sepsis, Pandemics, and Antimicrobial Resistance – Global Health Threats of the 21st Century) .

WSC Spotlight is a free and innovative online conference and a great opportunity for you to connect and learn with the world's leading sepsis experts.

Participation is free and can be done from anywhere with an Internet connection.