SEPSIS-one is updated!

SEPSIS-one is updated!



In order to offer the entire community that Thinks of Sepsis the most up-to-date information, we have renewed the structure of the website


Access and navigation have been simplified, keeping the content structure differentiated between patients and their family environment, and access by professionals after registration.

In the area of ​​professionals, we have incorporated a new section "Pathogens and Diagnostic Techniques" in which some particularly important pathogens are reviewed, either due to their prevalence or their special morbidity and mortality. Information is also provided on the availability of rapid diagnostic tests, known as Point of Care Test, POCT for early detection in the ICU and laboratory.

These contents are aimed at improving early diagnosis and facilitating an early therapeutic approach, given that in sepsis the patient's response and survival are strongly conditioned by time.

We want to thank ALERE for their support in making this progress possible.

We thank the Scientific Committee and all the professionals for their help to continue promoting this exciting project that Thinks of Sepsis.