Sepsis, that great unknown in our society

Sepsis, that great unknown in our society

Sepsis is a clinical situation that causes the death of 17.000 people a year in Spain, and unfortunately it almost goes unnoticed in the media. Each human life is unique and irreplaceable. That is why all efforts made to save lives are justified.

Raising awareness in society is a task that corresponds to all of us, from our activity and responsibility. An example is the great work carried out by private or institutional campaigns in the field of road safety education that have allowed us to significantly reduce mortality from traffic accidents.

All this enormous effort has had a great reward, but in the case of sepsis what we feel is that there is a great pending issue: dissemination and awareness. The fact that 15 times more people die from sepsis in our country than from traffic accidents simply serves as a comparison, and as stated by the Global Sepsis Alliance “Sepsis is the number one cause of preventable death.”

For this reason we have edited a video with the title WHAT IS SEPSIS? which aims to explain in the simplest and most pedagogical way possible what this clinical situation consists of and what signs/symptoms help a patient or their family environment to think about Sepsis.

The fact that when we look at 2015 we were talking about 14.000 lives lost per year is worrying. In 2016 this figure was taken 2000 more people...

 We are confident that reducing hospital arrival time and facilitating early diagnosis and appropriate clinical intervention can help us save lives.

We can ALL do much more.