Ethical recommendations for decision-making in the exceptional situation of crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic in intensive care units (SEMICYUC)

Hussin A. Rothana, Siddappa N. Byrareddy

Ethical recommendations for decision-making in the exceptional situation of crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic in intensive care units (SEMICYUC)

The exceptional situation in which we find ourselves under the SARS-COVID 19 pandemic must be handled like “catastrophe medicine” situations, applying exceptional crisis care that must be based on distributive justice and the adequate allocation of resources. sanitary.

The main objectives of these recommendations are:

  1. Support professionals in making difficult decisions, facilitating collegiate criteria that allow sharing responsibility in situations that involve a great emotional burden.
  2. Explain some criteria for the suitability of resource allocation in a situation of exceptionality and scarcity.